Daily Schedule

Open Monday-Friday

6:30AM to 6:00PM More...


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
6:30a-8a - Arrival Time. Free play, puzzles, etc.
8a-8:15a - Cleanup and prepare for breakfast.
8:15-8:45a - Breakfast.
8:45a-9a - Bathroom and brush teeth.
9a-9:30a - Circle time with theme and calendar weather.
9:30a-9:45a - Music time.
9:45a-10:45a - Centers (Children choose Reading, Science, Home and Family, etc.)
10:45-11:15a - Motor Skills (Ride-on toys, outdoor play, balls, etc.)
11:15a-11:30a - Cleanup and prepare for lunch
11:30a-12:00p - Lunch
12p-12:30p - Cleanup and bathroom breaks
12:30p-2p - Story time and nap time
2p-2:15p - Wakeup and bathroom breaks
2:15p-2:30p - Snack time
2:30p-3:20p - Games, dance instruction, art
3:20p-3:30p - Closing time
3:30p-6p - Free play

Events Schedule

No events scheduled yet.

Check back soon!More...

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